Thursday, September 15, 2011

ABS newsletter

Sorry I've been slacking on updating our blog, here is the latest News from Mark. Hope you all are having a great week.

We look at this Son and see the God who cannot be seen. We look at this Son and see God's original purpose in everything created. For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, rank after rank of angels -- everything got started in him and finds its purpose in Him. He was there before any of it came into existence and holds it all together right up to this moment. Christ is supreme in the beginning and He is supreme in the end. - Colossians 1 (MSG) Christos will be a remarkable venture for our faith-family. Challenge and encourage your people to be in the Word. Pray for your group, that the Word will deeply penetrate our fellowship this year and that we will never be the same. I am praying that this will be a year that Christ will reign in an even more supreme way in the hearts of our people and throughout the life of our fellowship. Pray. Expect. Live.

Be Stoked....

- A new young couples class launched on Sunday. The Glover/ Nixon crew jumped out of their previous class and handed off the leadership to some amazing young leaders and they have launched a young couples class for those who are engaged/ newly married. The class meets @ 10:30 in E205

- If you are interested in partnering with our Royal Family Ministry, here is a great road-map for information:

*Training for Volunteers for Royal Family Kids’ Club

New training opportunity for anyone interested in volunteering in Royal Family Kids’ Club (on Saturdays once a month, a mentor program for children in foster care)

Training dates are Sept 21 & 28 and Oct 5 & 12

5:30-7:00 pm in Room E134

(this training can also go toward qualifying you to serve at Royal Family Kids’ Camp next summer)

- Discovering Valley View, which is the exploration and/or membership class for our faith family, will be offered THIS SUNDAY @ 9 AM in Room E134. If you have folks who have been considering membership, please have them sign up for our Discovering Vv course!

Transform. A life.. A Church... A City

Our fellowship is on the verge of adopting a growth plan that will involve our ministry, our facility, and our heart for this city. The theme of this process is Transform! We believe that God is inviting us, in unprecedented ways, to step into the hearts and lives of the people of Taylorville/ Tuscaloosa and to offer the depths of hope that we have discovered in Christ. I want to share with you the practical and spiritual steps that we will be taking in the next weeks. I am SO grateful that you are ABS leaders and that all of you share in the joy and privilege of being the leaven for our fellowship. In a nutshell, here are the steps for 'how' and 'why' of Phase 1.

Over the past few years, we have....

- Grown by approximately 450 people in attendance at our worship & ABS.

- Baptized over 225 people in the last 2.5 years (Your heart should erupt with joy over that sentence!)

- Seen multitudes of students venture our way in pursuit of hope in Christ. Our student ministry has grown by 700% in the past couple of years

- Unified in our ABS structure and study

- Experienced dramatic "Awakening" services that have been powerful for our fellowship AND have shown us what can happen on a week to week basis. We do not have to imagine what 2000 people look like in worship at Valley View. We have SEEN IT!

One year ago..

- A team was put together and explored and studied, at length, our growth, our current property, and our spatial needs.

- That team identified 4 Critical Needs:

- Space for our Students

- Space for parking

- Adult Bible Study Space

- A Clear Way to Navigate our Property

These 4 Needs were identified as critical. Critical = Immediate.

We also recognize that we will rapidly need to address our Worship Space and our Children's Space (That is Phase 2 and needs to happen in the very near future!)


- This team tasked a building team to work on addressing these four key needs. This team moved into partnership with a Church Building organization named MG & A.

- Last Spring, this team presented a plan that would address the four critical needs. Valley View, by a 98.8% vote, compelled us to move forward with that plan.

- Through the Summer, plans have been finalized and bids accepted and we are fully prepared to address the four key needs of:

- Student Space

- ABS Space

- Parking Space

- The FIRST step in creating a navigational process for our campus. (Phase 2 will finalize this process)


- I cannot print our Guaranteed Maximum Price at this moment because it continues to be worked and tweaked. We will be able to share that price within a week. However, it appears that we will be able to build all space BELOW the price that was presented in the Spring of 2011. What a great and joy-filled praise. It is VERY close, so hold out for a week or so until our business meeting to hear the final $ figure. We are SO EXCITED.

(As an ABS LEADER, you have a sneak preview of the brochure that will go out on Sunday AM. Open the attachment to this e mail and enjoy what God is doing among us!)


- We will be informing the church family of our impending plans via the brochure on THIS Sunday AM, PM and Wednesday, the 21st.

- Sunday, the 25th our church family will have a vision (business) meeting and, hopefully, affirm to move forward with this first Phase. This will happen in the PM service

- Once the business is clear and complete, we will launch a campaign on October 2 and we will, as a church, pay for this phase. (God-willing, we will pay for this project over 3 years, which I am pretty confident that He is willing. The thrill and challenge will be our willingness to give with abounding joy and with believing sacrifice as we join with God in His will.)

Isn't that awesome! Now, hear me on this... Our building team and our pastor and I am excited about this project, NOT because it is brick and mortar but because we are making more space and improving current space to most powerfully be used by God as He transform lives.

We long to see our God transform a life and a city and our church!!

As an ABS leader, I am inviting you to be prayerful and excited and to be the key leader that God has ordained you to be in order that we generate tremendous unified vision for what He has in store. I love the idea of creating this space. I love the idea of lives changed (transformation). I think that God is honored by the idea of us paying off this space over the next 3 years. This will require sacrifice. I cannot think of anything more worthy of our sacrifice that the joy of moving the Kingdom forward through our local church.

Feel free to ask questions. Feel free to pray. Feel free to expect Ephesians 3.20 type activity as we ask God for more of His glory in His church.

The Next Few Weeks...

- On the 25th we will choose to adopt this project as a church in an official business meeting (If the Valley View faith family does not choose to adopt this project, the following is not relevant. Given the 98.8% affirmation in the Spring, we feel very confident that we are acting within the will of the Valley View body)

- From October 2 - November 6 you will hear MUCH vision for what we are doing and our common heart and hope for transformation

- On November 13 we will give an offering and pledge an amount of money toward this project for the next three years.

- Over the next 6 - 7 months, much work will be done on our campus and a good bit of hassle will happen for all of us.

- On or around Easter, we will open the door for a new and next step of ministry

- In 3 years or earlier, it is possible that we will have paid for this first Phase! That would be amazing!!

I hope that all of this information keeps you posted on where we have been and where we are going. You guys are our leaders and I want you to be as well informed as possible. Greater things are still to come....

What a joy to be your partner in this gospel. What a joy to pursue Christos together!! Have a wonderful and blessed day. I thank my God for you.

By Grace.... For Glory,


Thursday, July 28, 2011

ABS Newsletter

Summer is winding down and the crisp cool breeze and the beautiful colors of Fall are beginning to arrive. (yeah, that is not happening but it sure feels good to type those words as 100+ degree weather with 100% humidity abounds in T-town!) I am so stoked about the Fall and about all of us returning to all things new. The return of school brings with it the promise of new relationships forged and new people and new opportunities to BE Christ to the greater Tuscaloosa. This Fall will be loaded with expectancy around Valley View. We will create new space for ministry to our students… new space for our people to park…. new space for our adult bible study…. new worship space for kids, students, and collegiates… an entirely new look on Hwy 69 Side and, God willing, we will see new people and new hearts and new worship and new zeal and salvation spring forth around us. After all, God makes ALL things new and He is constantly bringing new life. I love that about Him. It gives me so much hope!

As we head toward the Fall, we enter with a two things at heart… - A sense of God-expectancy must abound in our hearts, as ABS leaders - A willingness toward flexibility as we prepare to make many changes to our physical plant. Stay upbeat! Stay united! Stay focused on people! Never lose sight of the reality that the Cross of Jesus Christ is the ONLY supreme desire of your soul and the very heart of this fellowship. Change invites cracks for satanic division. Know that and refuse to allow that to happen!

A few things that you MUST know….

About Curriculum - DISCIPLE Leaders Only – Christos Books are available this Sunday, July 31. I (Mark) will be in the Gathering Area (Mall) throughout the morning and you can stop by my table and grab your 2011-2012 book. I can’t wait to see you and to high five as I hand you a book that is LOADED with promise and possibility. These are for Disciple Leaders only (sorry to my beloved Community and Mission folks!) - On-Line Curriculum study materials will be available by August 20 - Books for all classes will be placed in your rooms on August 21 - The Study of the Life of Christ (Christos) will launch on September 11!! o Now.. stop and consider this reality – our entire church will be united in the study of Christ for a year. Read that sentence again. Again. Now, stop and pray that God will flood our hearts with a passion for Christ-likeness like never before. Pray for a discipline in study that we have NEVER experienced. Pray for God to penetrate hearts as never before.

About Training and Equipping - Disciple, Community, and Mission Leaders –August 28 from 4:15 to 5:45 PM. ALL in training. We will kick off in August and January each year with an ALL training. Every leader MUST make this meeting. It will be so good and so filled with vision and so loaded with potential that you will deeply regret missing. Book this date and cherish it with all your little heart! - Disciple Leader’s Only –October 2 and December 4 from 5 – 6 PM - ALL IN (Disciple/Community/ Mission) Meeting – January 8, 2012

About Room Assignments - Many of you will have NEW rooms beginning September 11 in preparation for our building/ renovation. I will share your room assignments within 10 Days via the transformed e mail. STAY UPBEAT! You are the leaders and your class will follow your lead. We are making space and flex is key.

A few things to know and pray about…. - LOST Weekend is here and launches tomorrow… Our students will be venturing to an island on Lake Tuscaloosa and having much fun. In the midst of the fun is tremendous opportunity for God to grab their hearts for the sake of His name. - 4.32 Tuesdays is an on-line resource to gather our church in reflection and in prayer. Each week (Tuesday), your staff team will post thoughts from the prior weekend and opportunities to unite in prayer. You can find this on the Vv website on the ‘Blog’ ( and we will soon utilize Facebook and Twitter in order to post the link to these thoughts. - Our last night or Renew 2011 is this Monday. We will share in worship with the our choir and the Brooklyn Tabernacle singers. This promises to be a wonderful night of worship. - No activities on Sunday evening, August 7 and normal schedule resumes August 14. - Sunday, September 4 (Labor Day), we will have a single united service @ 10 AM and no ABS or evening activities

Christos: God’s Transforming Touch is an in-depth study of the life of Christ. Each of the next 48 weeks will include one moment in which Jesus will become clearer to you and to our faith-family. To say that I am expectant is an understatement. Pray with a sense of expectancy and unity and let’s watch as God unfolds His life and a taste of heaven on this earth. Let’s expect that Jesus will be MORE clear to those around us in days to come. Hallelujah!

I thank my God for you and for your partnership in the gospel.

By Grace… For Glory, Mark

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Mission update

Easy Mission!

As a class, we are going to collect aluminum cans and use the money (55¢ lb) to go towards funding our kids in Honduras. As a class, I feel like we can add one more child. So to help with the cost, collect all your aluminium cans and I will come collect them and take what we have collected to the scrap yard and put the money towards our adopted children. Also, if you wish to adopt one as an individual couple, let me know and I can help you find a child to adopt. Its 35 dollars a month. Get all of your friends to collect cans too so we can have more money to support those precious children in Honduras! If you have any questions, call me (2057927332) or email me.

God Blesd and thank you, Wes Chapman
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Mission opportunity

Valley View is partnering with the Tuscaloosa Backpack Coalition to help distribute backpacks to students in need. There are two ministry opportunities to help the students.

First. you can help distribute backpacks to students. Our distribution site is Englewood Elementary School on Saturday, July 30 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Shayla Smith (h: 799-1935; c: 792-4307) from Brad McMichael and Wes Chapman's ABS group is coordinating this at Englewood Elementary. Volunteers are needed to help pass out backpacks. The backpacks from this site will help students who attend schools in our area: Duncanville Middle, Englewood Elementary, Hillcrest Middle, Hillcrest High, Maxwell Elementary, and Taylorville Primary.

Second, you can help sort school supplies any day next week. Supply Sorting will take place Monday through Friday, July 25 - 29 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Lloyd Wood Middle School in Northport.

If you would like to volunteer please respond to this e-mail (, or you can sign up by clicking either of these links.

Supply Sorting Sign-Up

Engelwood Event Sign-Up This link tells you a variety of things you can do to help, from set-up/clean up, backpack helper, food server, games/entertainment, general helper, prayer ministry, sign-in assistant.

For the children,
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mission Update

This is an email I recieved from Shayla, if you can volunteer there is an email address in the letter that you can respond to in order to set up what time you can go out. Thanks, Chris

Hi Chris,

This is Shayla again. I just received this message concerning the community backpack drive so she still needs volunteers. If you don’t mind, would you send this out to the class and see if anyone is available to assist with the drive. If they are interested, they can e-mail Melissa, ( and tell her what shift they want to work. It will be at the University Mall and they don’t have to stay the full shift, they can volunteer 2 hours if they can.

Thanks so much!

Hello all,

Just wanted to send out a slightly urgent call for volunteers to help with the Tuscaloosa Backpack Coalition School Supply Drive going on at University Mall. There is a donation center set up near center court in the retail store between Gymboree and Life Uniform. We need volunteers to help receive and sort supplies for the following times:

7/12/11 – 10am-2pm

7/13/11 – 10am-2pm

7/14/11 – 2pm-6pm

7/15/11 – 10am-2pm

7/18/11 – 4-6pm

7/19/11 – 2-6pm

7/20/11 – 10am-2pm

7/21/11 - 10am-2pm & 2pm-6pm

7/22/11 – 2pm-6pm

If you are able to help, please let me know ASAP and plan to show up at University Mall at that time.

Thanks so much!!

Melissa Rogers

Tuscaloosa Backpack Coalition

Volunteer Coordinator

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Transformed...ABS News

Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless

-----Original message-----
From: Mark Seagle <>
'A Appiah-Opoku' <>, 'A Ezell' <>, 'B Freeman' <>, 'C Allen' <>, 'C Gillespie' <>, 'C Singley' <>, 'C Wilson' <>, 'C Wilson' <>, 'D Mims' <>, 'D Nix' <>, 'G Gray' <>, 'J Herndon' <>, 'J Mosley' <>, 'K Estes' <>, 'K Kamplain' <>, 'K Morrow' <>, 'Karen Ramos' <>, 'L Brasher' <>, 'L McGahey' <>, 'M Howard' <>, 'R & S McCluckey' <>, 'R Holmes' <>, 'R Layson' <>, 'R Morgan' <>, 'S Eiland' <>, 'S Kirkwood' <>, 'S Ray' <>, 'T Freeman' <>, 'T Nix' <>, 'A Guillory' <>, 'C Bell' <>, 'C Colburn' <>, 'C Hill' <>, 'C Morgan' <>, 'C Ramey' <>, 'C Ramey2' <>, 'D Guy' <>, 'D Kyzer' <>, 'D Mills' <>, 'H Strickland' <>, 'J & T Bridges' <>, 'J Hajek' <>, 'J Hajek2' <>, 'J McCluskey' <>, 'J Naramore' <>, 'J Snead' <>, 'L Evers' <>, 'L Hardwick' <>, 'L Smith' <>, 'L Snead' <>, 'M Hartley' <>, 'M Tubbs' <>, 'R Mccluskey' <>, 'R Pierce' <>, 'S Glover' <>, 'S Young' <>, 'W & L Beall' <>, 'W Chapman' <>
Thu, Jun 23, 2011 18:02:40 GMT+00:00
Transformed...ABS News

Lately, every week that I venture into Yahweh is an opportunity for a spiritual tail whipping!    For instance, in this week’s study Josiah discovers that the Word of God is dormant among the people of God!    In fact, the Word is not just dormant, but it has been ABSENT for an extended season.  Wow!!  The people of God walking around and taking up space on the planet without the Word of God being shared among them.     What a tragic account?!   What an epic response by Josiah!    He calls the people to move their hearts and minds toward the Word and invites them to fall in love with the Word and leads them to devour the Word and stakes their lives upon the Word.       I know that the Word of God, at times, becomes dormant in our own personal lives and in the life of our fellowship.    We don’t intend for that to happen, but life chokes truth at times.   May we be like Josiah, and respond with passion and persistence when we find that we are slipping away from the only thing that really matters.   God’s Word is beautiful!  Revel in Him.  Lead your group to value the Word AND to radically adjust our lives to the truth of His Word.



A few important nuggets…

-         July 3rd (the week AFTER next) Valley View will have a single service at 10 AM and no ABS or evening activities.    9:30, we will be serving light snacks and enjoying some sweet community prior to the service.

-         I (Mark) will be venturing away for a couple of Sundays.    I will miss you guys, BUT I will surely love, love, love being with my wife and kids for a season.    I will be praying for our fellowship while enjoying my family.

-         Renew 2011 launches July 11 @ 6:30 PM     In the month of July and the first week of August, we will have NO Sunday or Wed activities, but we WILL have amazing Monday night services.    Loads of information is already coming your way via our worship folder and posters and hand-outs….

-         4.32 Tuesdays to launch on Tuesday, July 12.    4.32 Tuesday’s will be one more way to unite and expect as a church.    Your staff team will be providing an on-line opportunity to pray, unite, reflect, and expect.   Each Tuesday, we will reflect on the prior weekend and how God was speaking to us – perhaps via our ABS groups or in Bro Billy’s teaching or in a unique experience that God is doing among us.      The ‘how’ of 4.32 Tuesday is that we will post on the blog each Tuesday (and also on FB) and think, provide focused prayer, and invite our body to unite even more in our hope in Christ.    I think that this will feel or be a bit like 18 Days (from The Awakening), but will be offered once a week rather than daily.      4.32 Tuesday launches July 12.


As we pray…..

-         Our Honduran team is gearing up and preparing for a God-sized week.    Last night (Wed), Stan Gray shared that 125+ people were saved last year by the use of a visual tool that shares the gospel.   This year, 11 people are trained to use this same tool  He asked us to pray for an outpouring of God’s grace in response to the presentation of the gospel!       Pray for a God-sized week.

-         Our Royal Family Kids have returned to their homes and are considering the implications of camp.   Continue to pray for this ministry and these children.    The monthly mentoring ministry will launch as school returns.   How exciting to be in the middle of God’s move as He completely changes the trajectory of the lives of these children and their present and future families.

-         This weekend, our recent graduates and college students will head to Doublehead for a retreat.    Ask Christ to rest among them.

-         Renew 2011 is on the horizon.   Pray, expect, and invite.


I thank my God for each of you.  I hope that the Word of Christ is alive in your heart.  I pray that the Word will not be dormant among us.   I am asking God to bring us alive toward His Word and that His Word will flourish among us.      Thank you for being a partner in the gospel.    I look forward to seeing you guys in the near future and the Word of God PROSPERING among us.    The Word of God is alive, it speaks to me; it has feet, it runs after me; it has hands, it lays hold of me. Martin Luther


By Grace…. For Glory,






mark seagle

pastor, spiritual formation

valley view bc

tuscaloosa, al



Thursday, June 16, 2011

New Event

The calendar has been updated with events so please check it out

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Fw: Transformed... ABS News

Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless

-----Original message-----
From: Mark Seagle <>
'A Appiah-Opoku' <>, 'A Ezell' <>, 'B Freeman' <>, 'C Allen' <>, 'C Gillespie' <>, 'C Singley' <>, 'C Wilson' <>, 'C Wilson' <>, 'D Mims' <>, 'D Nix' <>, 'G Gray' <>, 'J Herndon' <>, 'J Mosley' <>, 'K Estes' <>, 'K Kamplain' <>, 'K Morrow' <>, 'Karen Ramos' <>, 'L Brasher' <>, 'L McGahey' <>, 'M Howard' <>, 'R & S McCluckey' <>, 'R Holmes' <>, 'R Layson' <>, 'R Morgan' <>, 'S Eiland' <>, 'S Kirkwood' <>, 'S Ray' <>, 'T Freeman' <>, 'T Nix' <>, 'A Guillory' <>, 'C Bell' <>, 'C Colburn' <>, 'C Hill' <>, 'C Morgan' <>, 'C Ramey' <>, 'C Ramey2' <>, 'D Guy' <>, 'D Kyzer' <>, 'D Mills' <>, 'H Strickland' <>, 'J & T Bridges' <>, 'J Hajek' <>, 'J Hajek2' <>, 'J McCluskey' <>, 'J Naramore' <>, 'J Snead' <>, 'L Evers' <>, 'L Hardwick' <>, 'L Smith' <>, 'L Snead' <>, 'M Hartley' <>, 'M Tubbs' <>, 'R Mccluskey' <>, 'R Pierce' <>, 'S Glover' <>, 'S Young' <>, 'W & L Beall' <>, 'W Chapman' <>
Thu, Jun 16, 2011 19:22:08 GMT+00:00
Transformed... ABS News

It is so good and so fresh to spend time in the Word.    Last week, as we looked at the life of Hezekiah, I prayed that our fellowship would have such a God-filled and God-trusting challenge.     A single verse has captured my heart as I am faced with life’s issues and choices.   Hezekiah was surrounded on every side.  Enemies from within and without abounded.     There are a multitude of ways that He could have responded and there is ONE right way.   2 Kings 19.14 is becoming a life-application verse.   Hezekiah heard of internal murmuring and external enemies and when all of the reports were in his hands, he made straight the path to the presence of God and he ‘spread the letters’ out before God.   He did not attempt to move in His own wisdom.  He did not seek to solve the problem.  He did not forge a better way.   He did not worry or fall apart.  What he did… well,  he chased the presence of God.    May we be a church of people who share in the common desire to spread our ‘letters’ and our hopes and challenges and our hurts and our highest moments and our pain and our regrets and our victories and ALL that we are before our God and trust Him with our lives.      It is so good to be a people of the Word.  It is good to be among a people who long for the presence of God!


3 Vital Things You Should Know…

-         Father’s Day is this Sunday!    We have normal services/ ABS in the AM and NO activities in the PM.

-         Our fellowship has been to 3 camps (kid’s/ MS/ HS); enjoyed VBS; sent a team of collegiates to Jamaica; and we are currently wrapping up Royal Family Kids Tuscaloosa version.   Transformation is happening this Summer!

-         Summer is a vital time to keep up with folks who are traveling and doing the beach and all of the things that happen in the summer.     Most of our folks will take some time to R & R (the Seagle family will be doing just that in a week), but we also EXPECT to see God move in Spirit and in Power through the Summer months.    So, keep contacting… keep up with your group… keep ministry flowing… plan a party… do a mission project… have AMAZING Biblical encounters every week.    Let’s keep the bar of expectancy and unity high through these months.


As You pray…

-         Ask God to bring a profound conclusion to Royal Family Camp tomorrow (Friday) and to revitalize all of those who have volunteered countless hours to this camp.

-         Ask God to provide great wisdom as we move forward with the design of future space.   Through the summer, teams are working toward final design and a guaranteed cost for the Phase 1 project.  Pray for much wisdom.

-         In the month of July, pray for your staff as we ‘spread out our letters’ before God and we plan, prepare, and purpose for 2011 – 2012.   July will be a wonderful month of asking MUCH from our God in the upcoming year.    Our planning and preparation in July/ August will guide all ministry initiatives for the upcoming year.   Pray for much of God’s wisdom and God’s glory!

-         Pray for a generous church.   As we discussed in our Phase 1 presentation, there is no reason for us to wait to eliminate the current debt.    Encourage the folks in your class to give above their tithe to reduce our debt as we prepare to move into Phase 1.   We will be having a more formal campaign through the Fall, but we are absolutely great with an outpouring of generosity this Summer!

-         Our Honduras team is weeks away from a life-changing and world-changing trip.   Pray for a God-sized venture!



I hope that you wrestle with grace this week.   Grace is what defines us as followers of Christ.  Grace is beautiful.  Grace attracts.    The ‘Yahweh’ writers says that, ‘grace is a hard reality for those who have grown up in its presence.’     We are broken people.  All of us.  We are desperate for grace.    Have you ever spent time with Christians who are not grace filled?  It is so ironic to be with a group of Christians filled with pride, for pride is the antithesis of grace.     It is painful to be around ‘un-grace’.  In fact, it’s a disgrace to GRACE!    Grace, discovered in the Person of Jesus Christ, is the hope for your ABS, this Church, the City of Tuscaloosa, and the Nations.   Grace is our only hope.    May we be a people who think very little of ourselves and very much of Christ and may the grace of Christ compel us.    Grace Amazing!



By Grace… For Glory,







mark seagle

pastor, spiritual formation

valley view bc

tuscaloosa, al



Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mission Update

Saturday June 25th we will be going to the West Alabama Food Bank to paint. They have several panels that need to be painted and we will need as many people to come as possible. We will meet at the church at 7:30 am, that way we'll be able to finish early so you can get on with whatever Saturday plans you have. The people at the Food Bank are relying on us to help get this done for them so please plan on helping, this is almost 2 weeks in advance so I hope to see a big turnout from our class. Thanks, and if you have any questions please call or email me, Chris

Thursday, May 5, 2011


We need volunteers to work a Pepsi trailer tomorrow from 9:00am to 6:00pm behind Holt Elementary the area is guarded by MP's so it is safe.  You don't have to work the whole shift, call Chris Gunter at 205-361-3142 for details, thanks, Chris Morgan

Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless

Sunday, May 1, 2011

We're meeting at the church at 1:00pm, most will go help clean the school, some are going out to do debris cleanup and removal

Friday, April 22, 2011

ABS newsletter

Hope everyone has a great Easter weekend. He is Risen! I hope and pray that these next couple of days have a significant meaning in your life, over 2000 years ago Christ took my sin to the cross, forever! I hope you all realize that He took yours that day as well. Chris

One Simple Message this Week….. Christ is risen from the dead, trampling over death by death. We are one with Him again. Come awake, come awake. Come and rise up from the grave. – Matt Maher Christ is Risen This is an amazing week filled with the awesome and soul-consuming truth that Christ is alive. He is alive TO us. He is alive IN us. He is alive THROUGH us. May the reality and vitality of Easter shatter us from small hopes and dreams and align our hearts with the world-altering truth of abounding hope in an ALIVE Savior. O death where is your sting… O hell, where is your victory… O church, come stand in the light.. The glory of God has defeated the night! – Christ is Risen Glory to God!!

Easter Celebrations @ 9 & 10:30 AM THIS SUNDAY! (No evening activities on Easter)

Have a remarkable Easter Weekend. More ABS news and views coming next week. This week, let’s simply park and enjoy the wonder and awe of our Risen King.

By Grace… For Glory,

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

ABS newsletter

I read this note the other day and you will find that I REALLY love this thought (you will see and hear this sentence at our next training sessions). No one’s story is complete until it has intersected with God’s story, which happens best in community being enriched by the stories of others. What a gift of grace to be grafted into the story of God through faith in Christ. Even better, we share and shape that grace-gift in context of community and our lives (and the lives of those around us) explode with hope and promise because of Christ in, around, and through us. What a story that we find ourselves in.. a story of redemption and promise and passion and hope and life and freedom!?! May the story that permeates Valley View be the story of the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ and may His name be the only famous name among us!

3 Things You MUST know:

- The Passion, featuring “The Promise” is Fri – Sun, April 15 – 17 @ 7 PM. Three amazing nights of remembering and celebrating the glory and reality of the Cross and the Resurrection. Pray for these nights. Pray for our choir and drama. Attend and Invite!

- Due to dress rehearsal, there will be NO ACTIVITIES on the Valley View campus Wednesday, April 13. Only those involved in ‘The Promise’ will be on our campus as they prepare for the launch on Friday, April 15. (No adult service; No kids service; No youth service)

- All of our missions offerings (support for Hondura’s/ Royal Family/ Individual Missionaries/ etc) were enveloped into our budget in 2011, EXCEPT Annie Armstrong Easter Offering (sustaining North American missions endeavors) and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering (sustaining International Mission endeavors). We are encouraging our folks to give to ‘missions’ year round and these dollars will be dispersed to National and International Missions. You are welcome to encourage your folks to give, above the tithe, to Annie Armstrong as an act of worship during this Easter season. Also, our children are doing a ‘Bike-a-thon’ for Annie. Missions = joining with God in making His name famous in nation, tribe, tongue, and people.

God is transforming lives….

- Our Prov 31 women (MS & HS girls) will gather tomorrow night and be challenged and encouraged to be women after God’s heart. Our girls are being invited to be women of the Word and, in very practical ways, to recognize what it means to live Godly lives. I love it!

- It has been amazing to see all of the paper-work, monies, etc arrive in preparation for the Honduran trip this year. Lives will change and hearts will be turned toward Christ in a matter of weeks! We are expecting salvation and healing to erupt. Hallelujah!!

- I love Easter! The weather is amazing…. Hope abounds….. Expectancy is at a peak…. All of creation shouts of new life…. our church prepares to celebrate life…. and the resurrection stamps ‘finished’ on sin, death, and the grave. Praise God for Easter! Thanks be to Christ for His triumph!!

- I just sat with a wild-eyed Royal Family kid leader who is stoked for Jesus. Lives are being TRANSFORMED. Even more, we are experiencing MORE kids who want to be in this ministry and to attend our camp. We don’t have the answers of ‘how’ yet, but we do know that God is inviting us to reach 15 – 20 MORE abused and neglected kids through our summer camp than expected. What an awesome opportunity. Let’s make the most of it!

- Our pastor will be parked at the Cross for the next few weeks on Sunday AM. The teaching will be phenomenal! The cross is eternity altering.

- Experiencing God, on Wednesday nights, is compelling us to discover truths about knowing and doing the will of God. Wednesdays are rich nights of prayer, worship, and teaching.

It’s been a pretty neat few weeks for my family. My dad retired, last week, after 20 years of leading the Florida Baptist Convention as Mission’s Division Director. So, after retiring on Friday, he headed to Indianapolis to become the interim Executive Director for the Indiana Baptist Convention. This next season could comprise 6 months to a couple of years. When I wrote Bro. Billy to tell him of this amazing opportunity, he teased my dad and me that Dad was ‘failing at retirement’. Knowing my pops, he will completely fail at retirement, but he will spend the rest of his days on this planet lifting up the name of Jesus Christ and giving His time, energy, and zeal for the sake of the cause. I love having a Dad who teaches me to mature (mature = get old), yet not in his maturity to become increasingly passionate about the Kingdom and the King of glory.

I am so privileged to share life with you guys. God is alive and well at Valley View and He is transforming lives. Pray. Prepare. Expect…. Experience Transformation.

By Grace…. For Glory,


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

Mission Update

Sunday morning I covered some info on mission opportunities, but went over them pretty quick, so heres the information again. Read at your leisure.

  • Disaster Response Team: I will be in contact with the Alabama Baptist Assoc. this week to schedule the training for the team. We will be responding to natural disasters in our immediate area as well as going out to other locations that may get hit hard and need extra help. If we go out a good distance not everyone will want to go, and I realize that, but the opportunity will be there if you want to go. I haven't talked to anyone pertaining to equipment or in depth details yet on what will be expected, but I will tell you that if you are willing, we will be able. This is not limited to our class so if you know of anyone that might be interested please give them this email address and have them put their contact information in the email and I will contact them with details, There is plenty to do in a disaster situation, so anyone who is willing to give their time to help those affected can be used, ex. passing out water, food, light debris cleanup and also the heavy stuff, use of chain saws, climbing ladders to roofs, etc. If you have any questions please call me or just post a comment on this and I'll get in touch with you.
  • Angel Food Ministries: Angel Food Ministries is a non-profit, non-denominational organization dedicated to providing food relief and financial support to communities throughout the United States. The program began in 1994 with 34 families in Monroe, Georgia (between Atlanta and Athens), and has grown to serve hundreds of thousands of families every month across 45 states. Angel Food Ministries crosses denominational lines and has spread the good news of the gospel of Christ through salvation tracts that are placed in each food order. By buying food from first rate suppliers at substantial volume discounts, Angel Food Ministries is able to provide families with approximately $65 worth of quality nutritious food for $30. Angel Food Ministries does not use out-of-date food or inferior products. This is information from their website, if we are willing as a class we can collect money once every other month and team up with a church in our area and purchase food that can be given to those that may not be able to afford it for themselves. Check out their website and post some comments here so we can decide if this is something we want to do as a class.
  • Yoshi Owasaki: This is from an email and also the blog post that Josh Bridges had sent a couple of days ago: My brother Todd Bridges has a friend who is a pastor in Tokyo named Yoshi Owasaki. Todd has been to Japan with him and met him when he went to Christ For The Nations. A couple of the ABS classes are planning to help with a monetary gift and he asked me if I would share it with our class. Yoshi's congregation is eager to reach out to those who are suffering all around them from the Tsunami/earthquake. In Japan there is a lot of idol worship and this is a great time for the people to come to know the one true God Jesus Christ. By providing a monetary gift, Yoshi and his congegation can get supplies and meet the needs of the people who have lost so much!More importantly they can share the love of Jesus with the people. I am pretty sure they will be collecting money through the Sunday of April 10th. If you want to write a check be sure to make the check out to Valley View Baptist. As far as I know we won't be at church Sunday morning but Todd is in the ABS class that meets right after us. You can give the money to him or his wife Jess. It is not an obligation but if you feel the Lord leading you to give, know the money would go directly to meet the needs of hurting people. Thanks! If you have any questions or would like to help those in Japan out then either send me an email or Josh or call either one of us and we'll get you the answers you're looking for.
  • Project Blessings: is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help local low-income and underprivileged homeowners repair their homes to achieve a better quality of living. They rely on volunteers to make their projects happen. Here is their website, check it out and again leave me some feed back on what we are thinking as a group. This particular opportunity will require more than just a couple of hours and is not something we have to do every month but I think it would be awesome to help them out maybe twice a year. If we want more information I can set up a time for them to do a presentation for our class, that way all questions will be answered and we can move from there.

When we put things together for missions, I would like to have as much feed back from the class as possible so I know what direction you would like to go, remember majority rules so if there is no input then that leaves me and Wes as the Majority and we will make the decisions on what to do for missions projects. We both would like as much involvement as possible so please let us know what your thinking. Thanks for taking the time to read all this information and visit the websites, hope you all have a great week and I look forward to reading your comments on all these opportunities we have.

In His Love,


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Help for Japan

Hello everyone, Me and Melanie want to thank our class for for all the support you have given us. Mylee is doing well and looks forward to meeting everyone. She will be 2 weeks old tomorrow so we aren't quite ready to bring her to church yet but hopefully soon. My brother Todd Bridges has a friend who is a pastor in Tokyo named Yoshi Owasaki. Todd has been to Japan with him and met him when he went to Christ For The Nations. A couple of the ABS classes are planning to help with a monetary gift and he asked me if I would share it with our class. Yoshi's congregation is eager to reach out to those who are suffering all around them from the Tsunami/earthquake. In Japan there is a lot of idol worship and this is a great time for the people to come to know the one true God Jesus Christ. By providing a monetary gift, Yoshi and his congegation can get supplies and meet the needs of the people who have lost so much!More importantly they can share the love of Jesus with the people. I am pretty sure they will be collecting money through the Sunday of April 10th. If you want to write a check be sure to make the check out to Valley View Baptist. As far as I know we won't be at church Sunday morning but Todd is in the ABS class that meets right after us. You can give the money to him or his wife Jess. It is not an obligation but if you feel the Lord leading you to give, know the money would go directly to meet the needs of hurting people. Thanks!

Monday, March 28, 2011


Have you ever really thought about The Cross?

What it means; what is has gone through; what it has seen; what stories it could say?

After Wednesday, I don't know if I will ever look at another cross the same. That night I nailed stuff to that cross that satan uses to drive a wedge in my life. If we can not recognize those things, how can we ask for forgiveness and grow in Christ. I know none of use want to admit our faults, weaknesses, and trials. But what if we did? Would it make us stronger?

Thank you LORD for forgiving me! May I seek your will in all I do. Let my life shine for you.

Friday, March 25, 2011

ABS newsletter

Here is the newsletter from Mark from this week, and also please pray for a couple in our class, they have a silent request. Thanks, Chris

There is a single sentence from our ABS study last week that has challenged me. As I listened to my ABS mentoring – teacher read this verse, I heard the Holy Spirit ask me if this was true of me. Listen to what was written of Samuel…. The Lord was with Samuel as he grew up, and he let none of his words fall to the ground. I want to know that God is speaking. I want to hear His word. I want to respond to His word. And I want His words to shape my life and for NONE of His Word to fall to the ground. I am not sure that is true of me, but I am asking God to align my heart with His Word. I am praying that our Valley View faith family is a fellowship that hungers for the Word and, when heard, allows the Word to shape us so powerfully that ‘none fall to the ground.’ That is and will be transformational!

3 Things To Celebrate….

- Our women had an amazing night last night. I have heard that worship was beautiful; Carla taught the Word with passion and clarity; and hearts were poured out around our men as they were being invited to the cross.

- Our men were challenged to be Men at the Cross. Our men were called to love the cross and to spend their lives for the sake of the cross. I am praying for men who live with passion for Christ in their home, church, workplace, and spheres of influence. Over 400 Valley View men gathered… Christ was lifted high and it was a remarkable night! More results (decision cards) to be discovered next week.

- Speaking of decisions, we are scheduled to baptize 20 folks this Sunday evening in our monthly baptism! Praise God for His continuing outpouring of grace and goodness in the life of Valley View. Sunday night will be a GREAT celebration!

3 Things to Know…

- If you have someone who would like to be a part of baptism or if you have folks in your class who need to and are ready to make that step, they can meet in WC146 (choir room) at 5:30 Sunday afternoon. Let’s add to the party those who are primed and ready to be baptized!

- On March 30, 2011 our student pastors (TJ & Steven) will release a new name for our student ministry with great hope that the name will reflect the hearts and lives of hundreds (thousands!) of students as they pass through this ministry over the next years. New excitement prevails in our student ministry!

- Our choir and fellow thespians are preparing for an amazing season and worship encounter. Easter is a ridiculously good holiday for every follower of Christ. Easter is filled with the promise of hope, life, freedom, and passion. April 15,16, & 17 @ 7 PM our choir & drama team will be presenting The Promise that we have due to the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. Pray, Invite, & Expect!

I hope that you guys are loving this Spring weather. Flowers bloom (sneeze!)…. Sun shines…. Daylight is lengthened…. Bats crack and balls whistle through the air….. it’s just a good season. I love that Christ makes all things new and things just feel new right now. I am praying for the most amazing Spring and Summer in the history of Valley View. Pray with and raise your level of expectancy (even if your expectancy is already sky high!). We are awakened and let’s continue to expect more than we can ask or imagine. Thank you for allowing me and my family to share life with you. We count it a joy and a privilege.

By Grace… For Glory,


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dinners For Josh & Melanie

Please post a comment with the day that you can take dinner to Josh and Melanie.

Saturday, March 19 - Short's
Sunday, March 20 - Morgan's
Monday, March 21 - Bridge's Family
Tuesday, March 22 - McMichael's
Wednesday, March 23 - Bridge's Family
Thursday, March 24 - Gunter's
Friday, March 25 - Bridge's Family
Saturday, March 26 - Beech's

Thank you!


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pray Warriors

Pray Warriors and anyone else, I need you to please lift up my sister in law, Rene in pray. Her pregnancy hormones are not where they should be and doctor has asked her to go in for another scan tomorrow.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

ABS newsletter

Men at the Cross seeks to provide an intentional pathway for men to grow in Christ and to lead others to Christ. Wednesday, March 23 will be a life-changing, church-changing, city-changing event as men are challenged to live as passionate men of the cross in their home, work-place, and sphere of influence. As ABS leaders, lead the way in encouraging men to jump into the movement. We expect the Valley View men to be in the house. Our theme is BRING ONE. We want our men to not only come, but to BRING ONE! Joe White, Ted Cunningham, and Johnny Musso will be teaching and sharing. Worship will be amazing. ABS leaders are CATALYSTS in getting this news across our church.

Also, on the 23rd:

- Our young men will spend time in the main room, while also having a break-out session with Joe White. He will address what is means to live as a young man of integrity

- Our young women will have a Proverbs 31 event from 6 – 7:15 in the student room

- Our children will have normal kid activities

- Our women will have a worship, prayer, and devotional time in the Gym

MATC – BRING ONE! I want you to give this event a MASSIVE push in your group on Sunday AM.


Stop and Celebrate!

- Over25 folks have joined with our church in the past two weeks

- We baptized 37 new believers in Christ this past Sunday! If that sentence does not evoke even a small ‘woot’ from you, then your ‘wooter’ is totally broken!!!

- We expect to baptize a bunch at our March baptism (it is the 27th of March). If you have folks in your group who need to be baptized, challenge them to dive in and throw a party as a class at the baptism celebration.

Things you need to know…

- SPRING BREAK PREPARATION – March 13 – One Service @ 10 AM and No PM. Our ABS will NOT meet, but Bro Billy will likely tackle Hannah and we will NOT take a break in our study. Press on with personal Yahweh study even though we won’t meet as a group and on the 20th of March, we will be studying “Hearing God’s Voice (Samuel)”

- If you did not catch the above note – March 13 is ONE SERVICE @ 10 AM with NO PM

- Our student ministry will soon release a new name… new focus…. new look… and a never-ending hope that Jesus will use this church to display the resounding glory of Jesus Christ.

- Experiencing God on Wednesday Nights promises to be ripe with opportunity for life-change.

Mission Training Review from Sunday, 2.27

1. Help our ABS discover, develop, deploy a servant heart

a. Assume that our people are generous – with resources, lives, and gifts. Christ is the epitome of generosity and b/c He lives in us, we must assume generosity

b. Re-Define Mission from ‘going’ to ‘being’. Going will happen… Being is never-ending, all-places, all-times

2. Every Member on Mission

a. Increasing number of our folks serving.

b. Mindset of servanthood developing – practically expecting that we live on mission with one another via meals, love, care, etc.

3. Live on Mission

a. Practical application of project implementation

b. Serve while having fun – Monthly mission ministry project

All Believers are one in heart and mind (Acts 4). I am praying that you are living with a high level of hope for UNITY and EXPECTANCY in the heart and life of Valley View. I am so deeply grateful to share this partnership in God’s glorious gospel with you. We get to change the world together. That is so good and so remarkable! Have a fantastic weekend!!

By Grace… For Glory,