Friday, December 31, 2010

Fw: New Year

Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless by,

Chris Morgan

-----Original message-----
From: "" <>
Sat, Jan 1, 2011 05:19:32 GMT+00:00
New Year

I have been hit by the devil tonight, Robin wanted to go to 3:20 after we watched a movie and I pitched a little fit, little, it wasn't a big tantrum but still.  We go and how big a fool I was, God showed up big time, as if He shows up any other way.  I've heard that whatever you're doing on New Years Eve or day that is what you'll be doing the coming year, well amen, cause I've been praising God with my hands held high with my wife right next to me.  God is so awesome, I hope you all have a wonderful night and happy new year!

Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless by,

Chris Morgan
Congratulation to Chris and Stephanie on your marriage, may God bless your marriage and this new journey together.

ABS newsletter

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and you have a wonderful New Year's Eve celebration wherever that may be, I think we are gonna do the 3:20 thing at the church, weather permitting. Here's the last email from Mark for the year, see you all soon.

It’s a peaceful week. Here we are, perched between Christmas and New Year. All is quiet, but there is a sense of impending opportunity. We are preparing for a NEW year with new expectations and a re-newed hope in our God. Honestly, I have no idea what is in store during 2011, but I am confident that God will reign supreme and that He will act for His glory and His good. As I pray for our fellowship as we prepare for this year, I am praying that our lives will posture to live, move, act, and become for His good and His glory. I am praying for a 2011 beyond what we could ask or imagine. May God find great glory in His church and in His people. Happy New Year!

For the sake of simplicity, here are just a few things that you should know….

- 3/20 Tomorrow Night – 9 – 12:15ish. Students bring in the New Year with Christ as the apex!

- All activities are a ‘go’ for Sunday, January 2. We do have evening worship, but no kids activities in the evening. I absolutely LOVE Joseph… enjoy studying his life and his impact this Sunday!

- WELCOME to our New Student Pastors – TJ Joy and Steven Platt.

o January 15 after the evening service, we will welcome our new student pastors officially. I would LOVE for our ABS to be involved, so here are a few more details so that you can prepare your class.

§ 9 AM ABS Groups – you will ‘pound’ the Joy family. They are in their first house and enjoying making it a home. I will be asking you guys to provide a basket that ‘pounds’ or prepares each room (kitchen/ bath/ etc)

§ 10:30 AM ABS Groups – you will welcome the Platt family. They have lived here and they are established. So, I am thinking more along the lines of a ‘theme’ basket from your group. Examples are: Movie Night or Date Night or Night on the Town…. You can have MUCH fun being creative and welcoming them.

- You can being discussing this week and I will be explicit in information next week. In fact, I will assign 9 AM classes to a room (ie – kitchen) in the home.

What a great treat to welcome staff to our team!

Have an amazing New Year. I hope that you live with great expectation today. Christ is resurrected, therefore how can we live any other way than for the sake of His greatness, wonder, and awe. We truly exist because we believe that God transforms lives…. He changes our views of death… He transforms lifestyles… He transforms hopes… He provides priority…. He is our passion and purpose. Because Christ does transform, we are believing much from Him. (Romans 12.1 – 2) I am so thankful to be a partner in the gospel with you. Enjoy a peaceful few days and let’s prepare a God-sized year.

By Grace… For Glory,


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Party

Had a great time tonight thanks Brian and Jenn for opening you home to us and hosting the party, the few pics I took are on the photostream.

Mission Update

Just want to say thank you to the guys that made it out to the Food Bank this morning. We got a lot accomplished and there is still more to do. Sometime in January we will be helping put the cooler and freezer units together and possibly some shelving as well. When I have a date for January I will let you all know, hopefully a lot sooner than this last time. We will need as many as we can get when we go the next time due to the amount of work that will need to be done and it won't, hopefully, be as labor intensive as today was. More info to come, also there are more pics added to the photostream from this morning, its taking a while to get them all uploaded from my phone but its working on it.

Thanks again, Chris

ABS newsletter

We exist to reach and teach about the transformational power of Jesus Christ! If the preceding statement is to be found true among us, we need to increasingly become a people of focus and passion. Paul, in the Letter to the Church at Philippi, wrote some simple, yet astounding words. He said, ‘I want to know Christ….’ In the simplest form, those words are our only shot at fulfilling our mission. We want to know Christ. More than any other good on this planet, we want to know Christ. More than any other pursuit of our lives, we want to know Christ. We want to know Him…. to see Him… to pursue Him…. to glory in Him…. and to be used by Him to elevate His glory. I am very confident that we will reach and teach of the transformational power of Jesus Christ WHEN we write on our hearts that the consuming desire of our soul is to know Christ. I want to know Christ and, out of that knowledge, to make Him known!

Christmas is great and one of my absolute favorite times of the year. There are so many exciting things going on during this Season. Feel free to venture back to last week’s e mail if you need the calendar for December. A favorite saying of mine over the last several Christmas seasons flows something like this…..’I want to be far less about consumption and far more about compassion.’ In other words, I want to worry far less about my needs and the crazy and excessive spending during the Christmas Season so that my resources are available to meet the needs of the world around me. Enjoy a phenomenal Christmas season. Enjoy a debt free Christmas! Want to think more about compassion? Check out:

This Sunday will be another significant spiritual marker in the life of Valley View. This Sunday…..

- We will adopt a budget that will cast vision for 2011 and will impact our ministries for the next 12 months. What an exciting reality to vote about a budget, but even more, to implement a vision that will impact the Nations; this city; our students; our senior adults; food banks in this area; the Honduras; our preschoolers; our discipleship; Royal Family Kids; our children; and SO much more. We GET to give so that Valley View will reach and teach of the transformational power of Jesus Christ!

- We will vote to affirm the call of T.J. Joy (Malyssa) as our High School Pastor and Steven Platt (Ashley) as our Middle School Pastor. We will be voting to put leaders in place who will affect our students and those who volunteer and invest in our students and in the family’s of students. This Sunday will be a massive moment that will have implications for many years to come. We are praying that God will raise up a generation of students who radically advance the passion and purpose of Christ for their lives. We believe HUGE things for our students…. Ephesians 3.20!

This is a big deal Sunday! Come expectant!!

Let’s Pray….

- Pray for uncommon unity within our body

- Pray for continuously expectant hearts. After all, Christ is resurrected and He has chosen to live in and through us. Ask God to raise our level of expectancy

- Pray for a church-wide move of people who refuse to indebt themselves this Christmas!

- Pray for God to prepare the hearts of our students as we move into God’s ‘next’ in the ministry through them

- Pray for our Pastor! God has blessed us with a great pastor

- Pray for our staff! God has blessed us with an amazing staff

- Ask God to move in ways that simply cannot be explained by men. Join with me in praying that the people of Taylorville will have no capacity to grasp why we are who we are and how fresh God is among us!

It is such a remarkable thing to share life with you! As I move through Thanksgiving and into the Christmas Season, I find myself giving such levels of thanks for you…. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of what God is doing in and through Valley View…. Thanks for believing that God will use this body to transform our lives and to transform the culture around us and to move our lives into His transformational work around the world! I am deeply grateful that we are partners in the gospel! Have an amazing weekend and come expectant Sunday…. Expectant for changed lives… finances adopted… student leaders affirmed…. Salvation to spring from our worship… our hearts changed. Come expectant!

By Grace… For Glory,


Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Party

Christmas Party will be at our house tomorrow at 6:30 pm. Please remember that we will be doing a gift exchange "dirty santa". So bring a gift per person. Please let me know if you need directions. See ya tomorrow!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

ABS newsletter

Sorry this is late I was out of town when I got the email but anyway, this is the email from Mark from last Thursday the 2nd. Chris

Transformation = a marked change; as in appearance or character. I really like that definition of transformation. I am praying for a marked change in my own character and in the character of our church as we pursue Christ and as He pursues us. As long as we are living and moving, He is willing to breathe life into us and to continually transform us into His image. Now, what really amazes me about our God is that He allows us to be a people who are invited into His transforming work. Honestly, I find that to be absolutely crazy. God… the God of the universe…. the One True God invites us in and chooses to use us for His good and His glory. Amazing! 2 Corinthians 5.11 – 21 are verses that simply leave you undone and wide open to the goodness and wonder of God and for your purpose in His economy.

We truly do exist to reach and teach of His transformational work and His glorious goodness.

Because we are in the midst of His ministry of reconciliation, we are organizing our lives and our fellowship around His transforming work. We are asking God to compel us to be a people of His Word (disciples) who deeply love and are committed on one another (community). Our commitment to one another leaves those who do not yet know Christ to be drawn toward Him (community). Even more, our passion for Christ compels us to serve the world and for those around to take notice of His life through us (mission). It is great to be a follower of Christ! I am praying that we shared in a marked change in our character so that we mark this world for the sake of the gospel!!

Good Things are Happening around here…..

- It is Christmas Season. The Messiah is born! Because it is Christmas:

o Kid’s in Tuscaloosa will celebrate more fully because our fellowship is providing Christmas via the trees in the mall/ gathering area

o Our children are preparing to lead us in worship (Sunday Night, Dec 12)

o Our adults are preparing to lead us in worship (Sunday, Dec 19)

o We will share in communion and carols (Christmas Eve, Dec 24)

I love Christmas!

- You have prayed with us for leaders for our students and God seems to have answered that prayer! Last night (Wed), we shared of the awesome news of our Middle School Pastor (Steven Platt) and our High School Pastor (T.J. Joy) being recommended by our Personnel team to join the Valley View vision and mission. I am attaching the brochure that we put on the table if you missed it last night. On Wednesday, Dec 8 these two guys will be in the adult worship and it is an excellent time to hear their heart. After they share, the personnel chair and several staff will be available for Q & A. Based upon the joy of the staff and the recommendation of the Personnel team, we will be affirming the call of these two men on Sunday morning, December 12! I wrote a note to the Personnel Team, as we prepared for a meeting a few weeks ago. Since you guys are the core leaders of our entire church, I am cutting and pasting that note below. It will give you great insight into this search and how God led us to these two guys and what He is doing among us. These are GREAT days! (See note below at the end of this e mail)

Our Schedule for the Next Few Weeks

- December 5 – Regular Schedule

- December 8 – Adults in Gym/ Potential Student Pastors in Gym with us

- December 12 – Regular Schedule (Adopt 2011 Budget/ Vote to Affirm Call of Student Pastors in AM)

- December 12 PM – New Member’s Class @ 4:45 PM

- December 12 PM– Kid’s Choir in PM

- December 15 – Regular Schedule

- December 19 – Regular Schedule

- December 19 PM – Adult Choir/ Worship Team in PM

- December 22 – NO Activities

- December 24 @ 4 PM – Carols & Communion

- December 26 – ONE SERVICE @ 10 AM

- December 29 – NO Activities

- January 2 – Regular Schedule (No Kid’s Activities @ Night, but PM worship is ON)

- January 5 – Back on Schedule!

This is a great season in the life of our church. We are experiencing change…. and new…. and life… and we are asking God to mark us for His sake. I am so thankful to share in this journey with you. I am so grateful that God is allowing me to experience His transforming work among us. Pray for our fellowship. Pray for your groups. Pray for an outpouring of the presence, Person, and power of God and let us expect that God can and will do His work among us in ways that cannot be explained by man. I long for the people of Tuscaloosa to be in awe of God in and through the life of this church. That requires that we be a people who are experiencing His transforming work in and among us. Have an amazing Christmas Season! Spend wisely; Live generously; Allow Peace to rule in what many have defined as a season of chaos. We are a people who must be driven far less by consumption and far more by compassion! Merry‘Christ was born and it transforms everything about us’ season! I love you guys!!

By Grace…. For Glory,


Saying a Temporary Good-Bye

I have never been good at saying good-bye. I have actually avoided it most of my life. I hate the idea of possibly never seeing someone again, especially the ones you care about. I actually did it again Sunday. After our ABS, I look over at 2 great people in our class and said I not saying bye. I don't know why. I am now hating those comments I made. Know this Leon and Gina, you are in my heart, my prayers and on my mind until you return. I hope your time with your family is something special. May the light that you carry of Christ shine while you visit with all your family. I will miss you both and look forward to January we you get back. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Brian

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mission Update

December 11th we will meet at the church and leave the church parking lot at 6:45am, we will be going to the new location for the Food Bank. The new building needs a lot of clean up on the outside of the building, tree removal, weed eating, grass cutting, etc. This will not be a clean job so be prepared to get dirty. We have two chain saws and weed eaters, a third or fourth chain saw would not hurt, also another weed eater. Bring gloves and 400mg Ibuprofen, we will need to move the debris to the front part of the parking lot, so very labor intensive, be ready.

Now that I have scared everyone away with all the hard labor, I can't stress to you enough how much of an impact we are having on the lives of the workers at the food bank. Every time I talk to Henry he continues to thank me and us for our willingness to help, this is a quote from my last conversation with him on Monday, "I want you to know how grateful we are to have your group be willing to help out, a lot of people want to help but they just don't know how and they end up just getting in the way, but your group seems to know how and when to help and we really appreciate you", listen when you have someone tell you that you are the only ones that seem to step up and get things done its an awesome feeling but more than that, can you see the God thing here? I can, we're not a "SUPER POWER" group but we have allowed for our feet and hands to be used by the only true SUPER POWER and He is faithful to allow us to be part of His plan when we seek His will. I hope all of you will be able to help on that Saturday morning and if you have any questions you can email me or just call, by the way the new building is located across the street from Northport Auto Supply on Hwy 82, right behind the Cadence Bank, its a big white metal building, entrance on the right, passed the Bank.

Remember, your blessing may not be what you receive, but what you give.
Have a blessed week in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Holiday

We hope and pray that all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday and have a chance to spend time with your families. There are so many things that I am thankful for, first would have to be the love of God, to send His only Son to die, to be our sacrifice, so that we have eternal life with Him, second would definitely be my wife, how she has stood by my side through these past 11 years, some years absolutely wonderful and others there were times I didn't understand why she stayed but she did and I am so thankful to God for the blessing He has given me in her, my kids, my friends, and even down to the simplest of all things, just to be able to put gas in my car. There are so many people out there that don't have much, so this year be thankful for the choices you have as you sit down to eat. Remember those that will be traveling this week, we will be going to Chattanooga for the week, so please pray for our travels and everyone else as they go to be with their families for the holiday. Have a wonderful, Christ filled holiday!


ABS newsletter

Update from Mark

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am approximately 30 minutes from venturing into a Thanksgiving holiday and a wonderful time with my family. As I prepare to ease into a few days of food, football, and peace I wanted to write a group of people that I am deeply thankful for during this season. I am truly blessed to be on this ministry and mission with you all and I cannot tell you how grateful we (my family and I) are that God has placed us in this place at this time for His glory. Happy Thanksgiving! We are truly thankful for you. We are deeply thankful for our God and for what He is doing among us. I hope that your days away are filled with peace and rest and family.

I will keep this note brief, because I am guessing that all of you are thinking about Turkey, Travel, & the Tide (or Tigers) these days. But, God is at work among us and I want to keep you posted about a few things to be thankful for:

- As I baptized folks on Sunday night, I just cannot get over how amazing it is to seek to grasp the complete and present and ETERNAL transformation that God provides for us. He is good! His love endures forever!!

- It appears that God has provided two amazing couples who will be working with our students! Within the next week, we will be introducing our church to our potential Middle School and High School Ministers. Praise God!! It has been a remarkable experience to watch as God moved someone that we all dearly and deeply loved (Hank) to a new ministry field. Then, to see God raise up a two couples who will partner with what God has been doing among our students has been overwhelming. Our personnel and our staff team have met extensively with these couples and we cannot wait for you to meet them as well. More info coming SOON!

- Our fellowship is working toward a multi-phased Master Plan that will be an exciting and WELL-THOUGHT process. It will be fun to share with our fellowship as things become more clear.

Pray & Expect!

There are so SO many things to be thankful for and to be expectant of from our God. Join with me in praying for our student ministry… in praying that God moves in Spirit and power among us… in knowing that Christ is resurrected from the dead, therefore we are HIGHLY expectant. ‘ I thank my God for you, in all my prayers for all of you I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.’ – Paul, in his letter to Philippi I love you guys! Happy Thanksgiving!!

By Grace… For Glory,


Hi all!

Just a reminder of shopping for our three Christmas children. Rachel and I started. When you purchase something, post it so we do not buy repeat toys :)

God Bless,

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Christmas Children

Hi all,

I mentioned a few weeks ago about adopting three students at Holt Elementary (where I teach) for Christmas. I recently got the information on their Christmas wishes and clothes sizes. The students are 6, 9, and 11. Of the three children, the 11 and 9 year old are boys. These are the same children of the family who lost their home to a fire earlier in the school year. Please pray about what you may be able to get. Also, we need to somehow communicate what has been bought so we do not get repeat gifts for the same child. Below is the information:

11 year old boy (fifth grade)

Shirt size 12
Pant Size 12
Socks 5-6
Underwear 12
Shoes 4 and 1/2
Coat 12

Toy wishes under 25.00
Pictionary Man
Wits and wagers
MP3 Player

9 year old boy

Shirt size 10
Pant Size 10
Socks 5-6
Underwear 10
Shoes 3 and 1/2
Coat 10

Toy wishes under 25.00
WWE Championship Belt
Bakugan Bakutriad

6 year old girl

Shirt size 7
Pant Size 7
Socks 2-3
Underwear 7
Shoes 12
Coat 7

Toy wishes under 25.00
Doll with Salon Chair
Scrabble Flash
MP3 Player

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thanksgiving Party

We had a great time last night with everyone, how awesome is it to see how our class is growing. There were so many people there last night I know I didn't get a chance to talk to everyone, what a problem to have. Robin took a few photos and I have them updated on the side in the Photostream. Hope everyone has a great weekend and we'll see you on Sunday.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mission Update

Henry at the West Alabama Food Bank has bought another building in Northport, we were waiting for him to close on the property in order to see what kind of work needs to be done before they start using it. He is in the process of putting a list together of all the things that need to be done and once the list is done he will be giving me a call to let me know what it is he needs. Once I have that information I'll set up a date for us to go and help get them ready to move in and start operating out of that building. Keep looking for updates, as soon as I know, you all will know. Thanks, Chris

Here is the last email from Mark to the ABS leaders, just for information if you are curious what is happening in our leadership.


Things you should know:

- November/ December Calendar

o 21 – Normal

o 24 – No Activities

o 26 – Iron Bowl (UA Recently Asked Our Pastor to Dress for this game and he IS expected to play! Watch for #00)

o 28 – Normal

§ December

o 1 - Normal

o 5 – Normal

o 8 – Adult Service in Gym (Children in Worship Room in Prep for Musical)

o 12 – Normal AM/ Kid’s Musical in PM

o 15 – Normal

o 19 – Normal in AM/ Adult Choir & Praise Team Worship in PM

o 22 – No Activities

o 24 – Lord’s Supper @ 4 PM

o 26 – One Service Only – 10 AM

o 29 – No Activities

§ January

o 2 –Normal – Happy New Year – Life Returns to Normal…. 2011 is a year that is loaded with expectancy!

- I will release our 2011 Training and Equipping Calendar by early December. This will be a GREAT year of ABS team unity and training.

- There are so many mission projects going on among our ABS that I can’t begin to list them without missing several things that are going on…. Here are a few examples – kids are being fed every weekend in 3 of our schools; a group is preparing to be trained in disaster relief; a group just went to Branscomb (sp?) and fed a boat-load of kids on Veteran’s Day; a group is raising resources for a family who needs help with a special needs child; ministry @ hospice care; and I am leaving out SO many stories. We are a church on mission and our lives on mission will be great news to this city!

Pray for…

- Our Student Ministry! God is alive and well and He is continuing to lead the way as Vv longs to impact our students. As we move much closer to God’s next leaders in our student ministry, I am asking you to continue to pray for clarity, purpose, and passion for what God has for our kids. As you know, we are seeking two leaders for our students – A MS Leader and a HS Leader. Christ is resurrected and alive among our students and we have major expectancy!

- Our fellowship as we move into the holiday season. I am asking God to guide our fellowship to honor God with our resources; to approach Christmas in a way that does not leave us strung out, but filled up with our God; to approach Christmas as a people who are debt free on Dec 26!; to approach Christmas with Christ as the center and a consumer mentality as an after-thought.

- THANK YOU! You guys prayed for me and I am so grateful. Last week was an amazing week of Revival in Aliceville. I walked away encouraged and amazed by our God. Thank you for your prayer!

I love what God is doing among us. I am praying that our ABS will be a place that is fixed on Christ; that is filled with hope; and that lives with great expectancy because Christ is alive and His life is fleshed out among us. Pray for your ABS. Pray for what God is doing in this church. Pray for unity and expectancy and let’s watch as God uses us to change this world for His sake and for His fame. I love being a partner with you for His gospel.

By Grace…. For Glory,


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sick baby

Hey Friends!
Just wanted to let you know I won't be at church tomorrow. Aisley B has been running a fever so I'll be at home with her. It seems like it's just a cold, and she had shots earlier this week, but please say a prayer for her.
Also, we need to collect money for our adopted kids. Wes will be in the nursery, but give your money to him in big church please :-)
See everyone soon!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

To God be the Glory!

Hey guys. Can I get everyone to remember myself and the other 4 guys being ordained tonight at church. I am truly honored to be a Deacon for our church. I know that I am not worthy of the honor, but I am humbled to be chosen to serve. We got to hear the testimonies of the other families, and there is something very powerful about sharing what God has done and continues to do in your life. Me and Melanie were so encouraged to hear their stories. Thank you guys for all the support you give me and Melanie. See everyone tonight!

Monday, November 8, 2010


Hi all!

I received a text today and my sister found a new job at a nursing home! Thank you for your prayers and I love you all!

Wes Chapman

Bon Fire/AL Game

Hey everyone! Brian and I are inviting everyone over this Saturday, Nov. 13 at 5:30 pm. We will be providing hamburgers and hotdogs with the fixings. If a few of you can bring chips, drinks or desserts, that would be great! Please e-mail me at or text me at 865-607-7205 to let me know if you will be able to make it and if you can bring chips, a drink or dessert. That way we know how many to plan for.

We will be outside for a bon fire and we will have the TV outside to watch football.

Hope everyone has a great week!


Sunday, November 7, 2010

ABS newsletter

I'm going to start posting what Mark sends in his weekly email to the ABS leaders so you all have an idea what we are doing and what is happening in the life of our church:

The past few weeks with Abraham have been simply amazing! I hope that God has used our study to increase your faith…. To challenge your passion for and trust in Him…. To understand, more fully, what it looks like to follow Christ. Abraham, while flawed, was a man of relentless obedience, abounding faith, and significant impact. By faith, he was credited as righteous and that righteous life in and through him served to change the world. Likewise, by faith we are credited as righteous in Christ. Through faith, may our lives serve to change the world!

Thank YOU!

- We had a remarkable Fall Festival! We really have no idea how many people were on the Valley View campus, but hundreds and hundreds (if not thousand+) enjoyed a great time. Thank you to all the ABS groups who pitched in to make this such a special event!!

We have to celebrate…

- That our mission leaders and our disciple leaders have ventured through first steps in a vision for what God can do in and through our ABS

- That God is opening doors for our Middle School and High School ministries. We are seeking a pastor for our middle schoolers and high schoolers and God is opening doors. Pray for all involved as we seek God’s ‘next’ in our student ministry.

o As God opens these doors, He is showing our leadership profound ways to strengthen all ministries of Valley View. We love it!

- An amazing ‘Hayride with a Message’. While not an official Vv event, many folks from our church were involved. God used many in our fellowship to present the gospel and many committed and/or re-committed to Christ. Praise God!!!

- Life change….. I can’t type all of the stories of life-change that God is doing through our ABS studies (and in our church as a whole). I have the thrill of being in so many conversations with people who are growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Thank you for being leaders who are pushing, encouraging, teaching, and modeling what it means to follow Christ for our church family!

Community Leaders – Equipping Session NEXT Sunday, November 14 @ 4:45 PM

Pray for….

- Our ABS structure as we enter a year of training and equipping

- Me (Mark), our Pastor & Staff, Personnel and others as we seek God’s leaders for our Student Ministry

- I would love for you guys to pray for me this week. I will be leading in a Revival at FBC, Aliceville Sunday – Wednesday. I am very expectant and I covet your prayer

I am truly grateful for this faith journey with you. I live with such expectancy as God draws us together as a church. We are uniting in vision and impact and hope and passion for our God. There are good days. Pray fervently. Expect great things. I thank my God for your partnership in the gospel! Have a fantastic week and I will be asking God for GREAT things @ Valley View this Sunday!

By Grace… For Glory,


Prayer Request

I'm sorry I forgot to bring this up this morning but remember Mark as he leads revival at FBC in Aliceville starting today through Wed. Thanks Chris

Monday, November 1, 2010

What a week we just had. How incredible is God, that He would allow us to be apart of what He is doing in the lives of those in our community, people we may never meet or ever have a relationship with. The hayride was awesome and I wish I had been in town so I could have been there every night.

As you go through this week, really think about what you are trusting God for. I mean really look at the things you have going on in your life and ask yourself, have I prayed for God to work in this area of my life, have I asked for God's will to be done in every aspect of my life, and have I let go of this area and am I REALLY trusting God for His outcome?

We all have things in our lives that we want to have a certain outcome and we all have the tendency to do it our way. I saw this on a church sign one day: "Let go and Let God", how awesome would that be if we could truly say this is how we live our lives.

I hope God blesses you all this week and you seek Him in all you do.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hayride Help Needed

This is a copy of Jenn's email she sent out this morning so if you didn't get it here it is. Chris.

Hey everyone! The Hayride is this Wed - Sat from 6:30 until about 10 each night. We need some help in the heaven scene. Basically we are just acting things out that make us happy! Noel is painting, and they suggested having people act like they are reuniting with relatives or friends! They need an additional 10 people to help. Please let me know tomorrow or Tuesday if you will be available any night! You don't have to participate every night.

There is a dress rehearsal Tuesday evening! If you can make it, that would be great but it is not mandatory!

Directions!= Hayride is South Hwy 69 toward Moundville. Turn Right on McPherson Landing Road. Turn Right on the 1st road behind Big Sandy United Methodist. It will be on your left. Call me if you have any questions!

Hope to see ya on Wednesday!!!


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Disaster Response Team

This is the email address for the Disaster Response Team. Please pray about your decision to join this team. Remember the first 25 will make the primary team, I am expecting a great response to join, so we will have a reserves list to call if some on the primary team are unable to go when needed. The D.R.T. training will be scheduled as soon as I have the first 25 to sign up and we will also have the reserves to attend the training as well so we get the proper certifications for everyone. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns before signing up so we can seek God's answer for you together.



Prayer Request

My nephew is having oral surgery tomorrow at 12:30pm, if you will please pray during this time for a calmness for him and my sister. He is only 4. They will have to put him to sleep in order to do the surgery and there is only so far the doctors will let my sister go with him in the back office area. He is not aware of all that is going to take place and my sister is concerned that when he finds out she won't be with him he may panic. So please pray for God to give him and her a sense of peace during this time, and of course the doctors, that they will be guided by the original Surgeon's hand. Thank you all.

Sunday Morning

Can't wait to be in the presence of God today! How exciting to have the privilege to go to church and have fellowship with the Creator of the Universe!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Amazing GOD

Do you ever sit around and wonder why did we study this or that on that day? Why don"t we study something else?

I had that happen this past week. As I was studying JOB I thought, 'Well this will be interesting to see how it applies to my life and everyone elses.' I was looking back trying to take what has already happened to me and apply what I was learning about. Good thought so I thought. The past is the past. There is no going back and changing it, removing it from history or anything. I found out the lesson from last week was really to prepare me for this week. I had a very big meeting yesterday in Lubbock, TX. I actually am sitting in the airport right now stuck because of a broke plane, another story altogther. I was stressing about the presentation I was going to do, the reactions I would deal with and how big the potential sale was. I dealt with this Monday, Tuesday and into Wednesday. I was so happy to get to church Wednesday. After I left choir practice I just a peace come over me concerning the meeting. I didn't have the presentation done, clothes packed, shirt ironed or even tie picked out. But I just knew all would be fine. I started recalling the previous week's study. I don't have time to worry about things. If I prepare my life right, which is putting Christ first in all things, He will provide over and beyond what I can imagine. I was trying to make the presentation that was the problem. I had not prayed about what I should say or even think. I am nothing, HE IS ALL!

I did get the presentation finished on the flight out to Lubbock, TX Thursday morning. I arrive at my customers headquarters and met with the owners. Right when the meeting began, my customer said, 'Can we just sit and discuss the floor system and our thoughts and concerns. We have seen enough presentations.' I began to laugh! I had spent all my time preparing something not even needed.

I say that to say this......


LORD, I pray all of us seek you first in all we do. Nothing is too for you LORD. Please help us deny ourselves and look upon you. You are awesome. I just sit in awe of what you continue to do in my life and there is no reason at all I deserve it. Thank you for your Love and thank you for your Grace. Please touch the hearts of our class members that they may become bold in your will to share their own story of their Savoir.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

God is so Good!

We are very excited that we now know we are going to be having a little girl! The support from our ABS class is awesome and we love each and every one of you. Another praise is we placed Gabby with Melanie's cousin who helps dogs find good homes. Hopefully Gabby can find a home where she can run and play. It's so exciting to be involved with a church who lifts Jesus up and is lookingto make a difference in the community. To God be the Glory!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Job Tomorrow!

I am amazed each time I read about Job. I pray that we can all grow so close to God that we will be able to always trust him in the good and when we experience adversity. See you in the am!


Friday, October 15, 2010

Volunteers needed for Heaven scene of Hayride

Hello everyone, Kim Cole Parker contacted me via Facebook and told me that she still needs several volunteers for the Heaven scene of her hayride. Hopefully some from our class will be available to help out!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Game Night

Just a reminder, Game Night at our house Saturday October 9th at 6:30pm. Bring a drink or dessert and a couple bucks for pizza. Bring a game if there is something particular that you are wanting to play. We will have a fire out back so if you want to do some marsh-mellows or smores let us know and will get some of the ingredients and split the cost. Hope to see everyone there.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Please remember Blake in Prayers

Hey ya'll please please please remember Blake in your daily prayers. As ya'll know he is traveling to Germany today and there is a high alert for Americans travleing to Europe because they are being targeted in terrorist attacks. I am a nervous reck because we won't be able to communicate much. Please just pray that God extends His protection and allows Blake a safe travel. Thanks, I know I can count on ya'll!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

West Alabama Food Bank

At the bottom of the page there is some information on the trip to the food bank on Saturday, 9th October. In the comment section of this post, let me know if you will be participating with us. The times are from 7:00am to 11:00am, if you need to leave early that won't be a problem, hope to see you all there.

Thanks, Chris.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Family in need

Wes called me this morning with an opportunity for our class to help a family whose house had burned over the weekend. His school is collecting money but Wes would like to do items instead of money. We will let you know the ages of the kids and what specific items the family will be in need of as soon as we get the info. In the mean time be in prayer that God would allow us as a class to impact this family for the glory of Christ.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Gonna miss ya'll...

Hey ya'll...just wanted to let everyone know that Peyton has a form of hand, foot and mouth and we are not going to make it to church Sunday, which I HATE because I am LOVING the new ABS lesson and I look forward to it every week. Just keep Peyton (and mom too) in your prayers because it is very painful and there is absolutely NOTHING the doctors can give her to make it heal quicker so it just has to run it's course. I will be praying for a wonderful spirit-filled service and hopefully see ya'll soon!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Epistle to Diognetus

Mark referred to this letter Wed. night during service, I thought I would share the link if anyone would like to read the letter.

This was written around 125AD, who ever wrote this, I believe, was truly on fire for Christ and the Word. When I read this I thought of Mark, how passionate he is for us to be in the Word, and to fall in love with Christ. I could see Mark writing a letter like this to someone, I hope someday soon someone could see me writing a letter like this.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

UA Volleyball Game Friday Night

Alabama volleyball game - Cram the Cave night (first 500 people get a t-shirt)

Just wanted to invite everyone to come to the Alabama Volleyball Game Friday, Sept 24th at 7 pm. I think it is only $3 a person. They play in the Cave behind Coleman Coliseum. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Welcome New Couples

Just want to WELCOME Jeff and Leslie Ballard, Stephanie Hess and Chris Christenberry to our ABS class. Hope to see you all back Sunday.
If you weren't at church tonight you missed out, I would recommend listening to the pod cast on the church's website. Mark absolutely hit it tonight, I've missed the last several Wed. night services due to work but I'm glad I got feed tonight. I love Mark's passion for the Word and his passion for us as believers and followers of Christ. He challenged us to dive in to the Word of God and to live it, breath it, and fall in love with it, to invite people to come and witness the truth, the truth that Jesus Christ is alive and living in us and through us at Valley View. I'm fired up and look forward to what God is going to do through us. I pray that you will be all in for Christ and when you come to church you're expecting to have an encounter with God! What an exciting time to be at Valley View and to be involved in what God is doing in our church and community. See ya Sunday!